Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jesus Calling

So I have a few bill collectors, and I typically know the number to avoid...I get paid tomorrow, i'll take care of it Comcast, gimme a hot minute!  But yesterday I got a weird 800 number calling.  I did not answer it because I was at work and I typically do not answer unknown numbers anyway.

I forgot about it until I was about to go in to the movies yesterday and while waiting for my friends, I listened to the voicemail.

It was jesus.  NO FUCKING WAY, right?  I know.  I've been seeing this silly picture <-- all over the internet lately and it turns out, he really does have a cell phone!  He called to see what I have been up to and let me know I should join this prayer group and that even if I don't join, they will still be praying for me because I am in need of prayer. I don't like coming home to religious pamphlets shoved in my door jam but I really, really don't like them CALLING ME ON MY PERSONAL CELL PHONE!!  Who are these advocates that think it is okay to harass people into believing their beliefs?  It's absolutely blasphemous.

I saw The Campaign last night which was hysterical, and one quote said something like "my relationship with god is not measured by my attendance" and I thought that was so perfect.  Organized religion is almost laughable to me.

I hate where I live, you cannot go a single block without a church and a group of hypocritical extremists preaching to you.  I work with a group of people from one of the non-denominational churches and they are honestly pure evil.  Manipulative, lying, deceitful and a million other descriptive words but they are doing the work of god they always say.

And all of this on the heels of Todd Akin's ignorant statement that you can't get pregnant from legitimate rape, and other conservatives sticking up for him saying that you should not abort a pregnancy created from rape because God has blessed you with this baby.

If this God of yours is spreading hate through the people doing his work and condoning rape, he's just not really the guy for me.

I am so grateful for the blessings in my life and I know there is some form of a higher power out there, but I like to believe he's not down with rape or complete and total assholes using his name to push their negative agendas.

Either way, I'm gonna go ahead and hit decline on the phone call from Jesus, because solicitation is not cool.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thinspiration Thursdays, Volume 3

I really am a horrible blogger, my bff Lee was right.  It's okay though, I will blog when I think of it. 

It's THURSDAY!  And we all know what that means, time to get thin!  I am so busting my ass this week.  I know it will be hard to sustain the rate of loss I had in July but I surely want to try my hardest!  I am looking forward to my weigh in Saturday so I can at least assess where I am!  I really hope to lose 1.2 this week, that will put me at 40 lbs even!  I will be so excited if this is the case!

This week, my thinspiration is this:

I literally have to have this yellow dress and I have to look good in it.  The size on the mannequin would be preferable. HaHa.  I realize that it is a long, long away and maybe even inconceivable (Princess Bride in the houseee) but I am giving it my all.  My main inspiration to get thin is for my health, but second of all I am hoping to be able to wear all of these fabulous clothes and never, ever, ever step foot in another plus size store again!

Keep the dream alive my friends!