Sunday, January 20, 2013

Like most things in life, I am not very good at blogging.  I really try, but ultimately I just really suck.  I can't commit and I find myself painfully boring.  That being said, the one thing in my life I know I am consistently good at, is being an Aunt. My nephews are extremely spoiled by me and I love them dearly, and on Monday, I got to add TWO MORE to the list.  My sister in law had twins on Monday, January 14th.   Yesterday, the babies got to go home and I am so excited everyone is home and healthy.

Jacob Eric and Lucas Webb are going to be loved and spoiled just the same way that Aidan Nathaniel and Gavin Andrew are.

While Alice and Danny were in the hospital all week, I spent the evenings watching the older boys. One who is 7 and one who is 18 months.  They are insanely wild and hilarious and downright exhausting.  The best part about being an aunt is that at the end of the day you give them back, but this week I kept them and I have got to say, My hats off to all of the mothers out there!

I have spent the past 10 years telling people that having kids was not in my life plan, and the past 7 days teetering back and forth between oh my gosh they're so cute I can totally have kids, and "Oh my god, if they dont fall asleep soon I will literally throw myself into the frozen lake".... I think what it boils down to, is my life plan remains in tact... kids just arent in the cards for me right now.  I am extremely happy being an aunt and loving on these little boys without full responsibility of them.

Welcome to the world Jake & Luke, I look forward to years and years of fun and spoiling!  

1 comment:

  1. Everyone says I shouldn't count kids out, but after daycare work and being an aunt --- I am satisfied with the aunt status.

    Think of all the awesome stuff we can do without having to plan for babysitters, yet still having kids to spoil! Hahaha.

    I can't wait to see Jake and Luke!
