Sunday, June 23, 2013

Its been a while

Ive claimed nothing in my life except for the fact that I am a terrible blogger and that has not changed.

It has been five months since I last blogged and nothing is really new in my life.  I have had a really great time since moving home.  I have been home for almost 7 months now and have had so many wonderful experiences.  I have spent a lot of time with my nephews, especially the oldest one.  We have "dates" where we go see a movie, hit the arcade, go to dinner and end at toys r us where I spend way too much money on him.  They're my favorite days!

My parents got a little fishing cabin on the upper Cuyahoga river and I have spent a few overnights there, drinking around the fire and fishing and I am so glad it's warming up so we can start rafting down the river!

I went to Hilton Head Island for a long weekend, and just spent the weekend in Pittsburgh, and I spent the entire month of March in Hong Kong for work.

I have been so incredibly blessed and am so proud of the life I have been given and the opportunities I am taking and seizing at every corner.

To be 28 and completely content with my life is extremely gratifying.  Would I like to find a nice suitable relationship? Absolutely.  Would I like to have a savings account built up to make myself more comfortable? For sure.  But living independently, single, and happy is more than anybody could ask for.

And as if that is not enough to be happy about? There are only 31 days until my identical cousin and my favorite aunt are here in town!  I am just thrilled and cant wait to spend the days drinking wine, making silly vines and giggling and getting into trouble with my twin cousin! <3 <3 <3

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The one with all the television

I haven't been feeling well this week, I came home from work early twice, and I stayed home one day.  Being sick is miserable but the good thing about it is that you get to stay home and watch television.  At least that's what I remember being good about staying home.

It turns out, daytime television is now TERRIBLE!  There was nothing that I wanted to watch on unless you're into infomercials, religious television and endless episodes of a baby story.  I watched a million episodes of friends, a few episodes of golden girls, a few episodes of i love lucy, a few episodes of boy meets world and a myriad of home improvement television and it dawned on me: I am so attached to older shows I have zero room for new shows!

I have a fear of getting attached to new television characters and dedicating more of my time to shows.

I can watch HGTV all day. House Hunters, Cousins on Call, Love it or List it, Property Virgins, For Rent, etc etc etc.  I can watch Food Network endlessly... Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, Chopped, and all of the cooking shows... I can watch reruns that I have seen a hundred thousand times over, but I cant give myself to a new cast.  I'm considering seeking therapy.  Is it time for me to start seeing other people? Is it time for a new drama or comedy in my life?  How will I ever know if I don't leave Central Perk? HOW WILL I KNOW?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Like most things in life, I am not very good at blogging.  I really try, but ultimately I just really suck.  I can't commit and I find myself painfully boring.  That being said, the one thing in my life I know I am consistently good at, is being an Aunt. My nephews are extremely spoiled by me and I love them dearly, and on Monday, I got to add TWO MORE to the list.  My sister in law had twins on Monday, January 14th.   Yesterday, the babies got to go home and I am so excited everyone is home and healthy.

Jacob Eric and Lucas Webb are going to be loved and spoiled just the same way that Aidan Nathaniel and Gavin Andrew are.

While Alice and Danny were in the hospital all week, I spent the evenings watching the older boys. One who is 7 and one who is 18 months.  They are insanely wild and hilarious and downright exhausting.  The best part about being an aunt is that at the end of the day you give them back, but this week I kept them and I have got to say, My hats off to all of the mothers out there!

I have spent the past 10 years telling people that having kids was not in my life plan, and the past 7 days teetering back and forth between oh my gosh they're so cute I can totally have kids, and "Oh my god, if they dont fall asleep soon I will literally throw myself into the frozen lake".... I think what it boils down to, is my life plan remains in tact... kids just arent in the cards for me right now.  I am extremely happy being an aunt and loving on these little boys without full responsibility of them.

Welcome to the world Jake & Luke, I look forward to years and years of fun and spoiling!  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful days 4,5&6

Day 4:
Dan & Alice
I am very thankful for my brother, who is 6 years older than me, and his lovely wife who is 3 years older than me. My brother and to this day find very few things to see eye to eye about and yet when we really need each other, we are always there for one another. His wife is one of my very best friends. She is absolutely hysterical and we have a blast together! They have given me two (soon to be 4) wonderful nephews and I am so lucky to have them.

Day 5
I have an extremely large extended family, my father is one of six boys and my mother is one of 11 children! All of them are married and have lots of kids who have lots of kids and we are just one huge group. I have so many people to love and who love me and it is such a blessing! I have a few cousins who are honestly my best friends whom I will bring up later this month!

Day 6
I am so thankful to live in a country where we have so many individual rights and so many opportunities! I feel so grateful to be a 27 year old single female with a job making equal pay to men who got time from work to exercise my right to vote. Our democratic nation is one i am so proud to live in.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November Thanks, Day 3

Day 3
Aidan, Gavin, and soon to be 2 more, aka my nephews!

Aidan is 7 and the love of my life. He is so loving and fun and I can't get enough of him! He's at an age where he is becoming bad and more aware but still holds his child like innocence. I can't wait to see him when I get home and follow up on our plans to see wreck it Ralph!

Gavin is 17 months and the cutest little guy you'll ever see. He is the happiest baby I've ever seen but I have lived in California for all of his little life so far and cannot wait to move home and watch him grow up!

In just 3 short months my sister in law is expecting twins, 2 more boys! A journey we are all looking forward to!

Being an aunt has been the most rewarding experience of my life and I can't imagine any role ill take with such pride!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

November Thanks

I am going to be thankful this month, I won't be able to do every day as I have a huge impending cross country road trip, but I will do my best to express my gratitude through the month of November.

Day 1:
My Parents.
I am beyond thankful for the amazing people I have been so incredibly lucky to call mom and dad, or mama and papa if you're me! I have learned so much from them throughout my 27.5 years and I could not be happier to now consider them my closest friends. They are always there for me and always know the right thing to do/say/suggest and on top of it, are funny as hell, party like rock stars and do good for themselves, their loved ones and strangers alike. If I am half the woman my mother is or half as caring as my father I will consider myself a huge success!

Day 2:
My Independence
I have already mentioned my supportive parents, and they have instilled in me the ability to succeed and stand up on my own an support myself and live my own life according to my own rules. We have a lot of friends and relatives who like to judge from afar, and they've taught me to not give a fuck what those people think, or what anyone thinks, and instead just be myself, on my own, succeeding. I am extremely independent and love at the end of the day to sit down and realize how much I accomplished on my own, it's such a comforting feeling. I don't need anyone but me to be the best version of myself, and I am so thankful for that.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jesus Calling

So I have a few bill collectors, and I typically know the number to avoid...I get paid tomorrow, i'll take care of it Comcast, gimme a hot minute!  But yesterday I got a weird 800 number calling.  I did not answer it because I was at work and I typically do not answer unknown numbers anyway.

I forgot about it until I was about to go in to the movies yesterday and while waiting for my friends, I listened to the voicemail.

It was jesus.  NO FUCKING WAY, right?  I know.  I've been seeing this silly picture <-- all over the internet lately and it turns out, he really does have a cell phone!  He called to see what I have been up to and let me know I should join this prayer group and that even if I don't join, they will still be praying for me because I am in need of prayer. I don't like coming home to religious pamphlets shoved in my door jam but I really, really don't like them CALLING ME ON MY PERSONAL CELL PHONE!!  Who are these advocates that think it is okay to harass people into believing their beliefs?  It's absolutely blasphemous.

I saw The Campaign last night which was hysterical, and one quote said something like "my relationship with god is not measured by my attendance" and I thought that was so perfect.  Organized religion is almost laughable to me.

I hate where I live, you cannot go a single block without a church and a group of hypocritical extremists preaching to you.  I work with a group of people from one of the non-denominational churches and they are honestly pure evil.  Manipulative, lying, deceitful and a million other descriptive words but they are doing the work of god they always say.

And all of this on the heels of Todd Akin's ignorant statement that you can't get pregnant from legitimate rape, and other conservatives sticking up for him saying that you should not abort a pregnancy created from rape because God has blessed you with this baby.

If this God of yours is spreading hate through the people doing his work and condoning rape, he's just not really the guy for me.

I am so grateful for the blessings in my life and I know there is some form of a higher power out there, but I like to believe he's not down with rape or complete and total assholes using his name to push their negative agendas.

Either way, I'm gonna go ahead and hit decline on the phone call from Jesus, because solicitation is not cool.