Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So here's the thing.... I have always loved my hair. Sometimes it was infuriating because it doesn't hold curl and sometimes I hated how fine it was, but in general, it has always been great to me. Then a bout of sickness caused me to lose my hair and I still suffer from alopecia areata and that sucks but again, overall, I have loved my hair. When my hair grew back, it lost some of its redness and was much more blah, and at 27 I have quite the amount of gray and I have to ask, what did I do to you, hair, that you have rebelled like so???

I began dying my hair blond and when the roots grow out the gray isn't as noticeable as when my natural color shines through. Naturally, I have always been a red head an I come from a family of red heads and that's just how it is.

Today, after my boss first said my hair "bugged" him, (my side bangs had fallen onto my forehead mid conversation) he proceeded to say "ohhhh that makes so much sense you are a natural red head!" and I asked "what does that mean" to which he sat quietly and responded "well the feistiness".

Seriously? What do you all think of stereo types? Am I really feisty because of my hair color? Is someone flighty because they are blond? That's ludicrous! All day I've just laughed at the blasphemy of the conversation.

If I am the stereotype of a red head, then I'm glad and maybe it's time I let my natural color fly because passionate and feisty are two things I am proud to be!

Red heads: unite!

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