Monday, July 16, 2012


So that crazy hooker cousin of mine, Nicole, moved her blog back to blogger and gave me the incentive to also return. I had my own domain and blog for quite awhile but I of course sucked at updating it, partly because it's a lot of work, but mostly because I am completely and totally boring.

Since my last go round with blogger I have moved to California, taken a promotion at work, and all but gone completely insane in the process.  I thought it would be interesting to document my transfer and my new life, but it turned out to be far more boring than one would expect uprooting their life and moving 3000 miles away would be.  Not to mention, when you're filtering what you write about your work life on the internet, and your entire life is work, you basically become one giant blog of nothing. 

If you are awesome, which odds are, you are not, then you know exactly where my new blog title comes from.  For those of you a little less awesome; let me explain.  In one of my favorite (bad) movies, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Captain Kirk says "Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young, Doctor".  It is a perfect sentiment for all things me right now.  So. There you have it. 

So you can feel free to read, or not read the new posts that will be full of inane babble, first world problems and complaints, and a lot of one sided and blinded arguments for everything going on in the world right now.

And while you're at it, check out Nicole's new blog too.  Because we're awesome. But somehow we're both still single... #thingsthatdontmakesense

Au Revoir,


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