Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So the thing is.... I am not the smartest person in the world. I am often times guilty of starting a sentence with a preposition and I have used the wrong form of your/you're in my day.  The difference is that I am aware of my short comings and I do my best to avoid them.  I also know what a preposition is which is far more than I can say for....well, most anybody these days. 

One of my absolutely biggest pet peeves in the entire world is when people use the word "seen".  It reminds me of bingo night in the trailer park.  STOP IT.  Please, for the love of God, stop saying "seen".  You did not seen him, you saw him.  It has been a long time since I was in any sort of educational system but if I recall correctly; seen should only be used in conjunction with have or has. It is so infuriating to me to receive emails from the higher ups in my company that say "Yes, I seen that." Do they not proofread? Or do they really not realize that they are using the most improper forms of the English language?  Either way it makes me want to die.

Now back to me being a hypocrite....my best friend, (who is a total dick and I love him dearly) always rags on me for saying "These ones".  I am fully aware it is not a proper sentiment and that saying "these" is plenty; but I hear this every where now.  I do my best to never say it because despite our 3000 miles apart I feel like he is stepping on a baby kitten just to spite me every time I say it.  And I care about the kittens! Everyone I work with says "These ones", I was working directly with the manager and Bed, Bath & Beyond looking for something and he said "Oh, these ones?" and now it is driving me crazy because it is so widely accepted as a proper statement.

I'm off on a tangent now and I am making no sense so let me get to the moral of this post.  If you are going to post something online; a job opening; something for sale, or anything on craigslist and you would like a mature, responsible, intelligent adult to respond....please proofread.

That is all.


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