Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thinspiration Thursdays: Volume 1

If you head on over to Nicole's Blog you will find that we have both dedicated Thursday to our favorite topic: Thinspiration!  The term is annoying and cutesy like everything in pop culture and culture in general for that matter; but it's a very important topic. 

The picture to the left was taken of me in May when I was Maid of Honor in one of my closest friends weddings.  It was such an incredibly fun night and day and the dresses we wore were so forgiving that for one night, I almost forgot that I was the overweight bridesmaid.  This was not the first time, but hopefully, it will be the last time that I am the overweight bridesmaid.  There is nothing worse than standing next to a beautiful bride and a size 4 bridesmaid and looking like THAT <---. 

In April I joined Weight Watchers.  I honestly have never loved anything as much as I love my meetings.  I feel such a sense of support and comraderie there and every week I am posting numbers.  I weigh in on Saturdays; last saturday was my 11th weigh in and I have lost 27.8 lbs.  I am completely aiming to have my 90 day weigh in this Saturday be a total of 31 lbs.  I am averaging 10 lbs a month which to me; is perfect.   Weight Watchers is not my only assistance though, and this week, I am dedicating my Thinspiration Thursday to my favorite Mobile App.


Endomondo is a sports community based on FREE real time gps tracking of running, cycling, etc.  I use my app every single morning and push myself to walk/run no less than 3 miles.  I am completely in love with this app.  It has a pep talk at every mile and updates you your stats.  You are also able to add friends to your Endomondo and I have a few friends who can see when I am out walking and send me pep talks as well as comment on my activities.  It is a great community and an awesome way to motivate one another!  Here is an example of my screens from this morning and just a very small example of what this app can do!

I have got a long, long way to go until I reach my fitness and weight loss goals, and a lot of thinspiration thursdays to come.  I would love to hear from other folks on this journey and share some ideas back and forth so please feel free to comment or email me!  

1 comment:

  1. That's what I use for my running too!!!!! I love love love it. I can't live without that and MyFitnessPal!!!

    Like you aren't already hot enough, you are going to be so smokin' after all this hard work. Maybe we'll find hot guys to marry. We just cant pick them up at our long lost cousin's wedding.
