Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thinspiration Thursdays: Volume 2

It's Thursday already!?  I feel like I was just going over my adoration and love for Endomondo and yet here we are again.

I had really high hopes for my weigh in on Saturday and somehow I only posted a -1.6 on the scale.  It was a huge setback, that was until I went to Kohls and bought the Nike Flex in hot orange/pink/red whatever color you want to call them and I fell madly in love!  These shoes are so amazing I can't get enough of them.  I got home on Saturday, ran in my new shoes, and went about my day, Sunday morning when I woke up, I instinctively weighed myself on my scale, and I was 4 lbs lighter than I was on my scale before my weigh in the day prior.  I don't know what the heck happened but now I am expecting to put up a big number Saturday and if I don't I will probably cry.

This weeks thinspiration thursday post is dedicated to Pinterest.  I cannot believe how ubelievably obsessed I have become with pinterest.  I am constantly on the app on my phone and when I get on the PC at home I instantly head to Pinterest.  It has really been a huge asset to me.  I have found some great workouts, and even better recipes on Pinterest.  Granted, there are quite a few recipes that could ruin a diet, but in general, I have been exposed to things I'd have never seen before.  I am doing a Kettlebell workout that I found on Pinterest and I really feel myself getting stronger.  It is amazing! 

If you are not on Pinterest yet, get out from under the rock you've been hiding under and check it out!  It has so many fabulous tools to keep you motivated!  Happy Calorie Burning, Friends!  See you next Thursday!

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